Children of the Light Home

The issues
Some parents have children and realize too late that they cannot take care of them. Family situations can rapidly deteriorate through illness, injury and death, when the children become a burden that the adults cannot cope with. As a result, many of these children become orphans and are forced to take care of themselves. Unfortunately, this is the sad reality for many children in the village of Ambohidenerana, in the commune of Soavinandriana in Madagascar.
There is virtually no support and assistance for these children, who beg at bus stops and alongside the road, scavenge at markets or fight for dumpsite food next to the stray dogs that also feed there. When their security net fails them, the abandoned children have no one else to turn to. What is to happen to these vulnerable children?
Our solution
From the beginning, we felt that it was our job at Thrive Madagascar to provide relief to children who end up as victims of unfortunate circumstance and poverty. Thrive Madagascar has built a home in Ambohidenerana called CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT.
CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT is run by a Malagasy couple along with other local people, who raise the children as an extension of their own family. As well as being fed and educated, the children grow up being individually loved, supported and encouraged to develop into well-rounded adults. These children get a second chance at a happy childhood and a new perspective on life. Nonetheless, while they come from different backgrounds, they are shown how to live in harmony with others and their environment.
In addition to building an orphanage, Thrive Madagascar is currently working with the local community in order to create a working model of family reconciliation. We strive to build up the families of these children so they can provide for themselves and their children. Our main goal is to help both children and their parents through times of hardship, providing a sanctuary for the children in the periods of financial and emotional distress.
More help is needed
We have available space for more children to be accommodated at our children’s home. We wish to help every unfortunate child in the village of Ambohidenerana, all we need is more financial support. You can help the children of Madagascar now!
Can you invest today into a child’s tomorrow? Cost per child: AUD $60 per month.
Sponsorship includes:
- Three meals a day
- Shelter
- Education
- Basic medical care and hygiene items
As well as regular monthly sponsorship, one-off donations are also welcome. These help with building maintenance, purchase of clothing and furniture, and one day we may be able to take the children on a beach holiday to the coast!